Going Beyond Regular CSS with Advanced Styling Tools
By Tom Hastjarjanto and Editors
Are you tired of trying to write custom CSS styles for your web pages? Do you want a faster and easier way to create custom designs? If so, you should consider using a utility-first CSS framework like Tailwind, a CSS preprocessor like Sass, or a CSS-in-JS solution.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the fundamental differences between these three options and help you decide which one is the best fit for your project. We’ll start by looking at Tailwind, a utility-first CSS framework that lets you use pre-defined utility classes to style your elements. We’ll then move on to Sass, a CSS preprocessor that adds extra features to CSS such as variables and mixins. Finally, we’ll discuss CSS-in-JS, a technique where you write your CSS styles directly inside your JavaScript code.
By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of these three options and be able to choose the one that’s right for your project. So let’s dive in and take a closer look at Tailwind, Sass, and CSS-in-JS.
Utility-first CSS framework
A utility-first CSS framework is a collection of pre-defined CSS classes that you can use to style your web pages. These classes are designed to be as generic and flexible as possible, and they can be combined in different ways to create custom designs without writing a lot of CSS.
The main advantage of using a utility-first CSS framework is that it makes it quick and easy to create custom designs without having to write a lot of CSS. This can be especially useful for rapidly prototyping and iterating on designs, or for creating simple and straightforward styles without a lot of overhead.
Tailwind is a popular example of a utility-first CSS framework. It provides a large set of utility classes that you can use to style any element on your page. For example, to create a blue button with padding and rounded corners, you could use the following classes:
<button class="px-4 py-2 bg-blue rounded">Click me!</button>
In this example, the px-4
, py-2
, bg-blue
, and rounded
classes are all utility classes provided by Tailwind. They are used to add padding, background color, and rounded corners to the button, without having to write any custom CSS.
Another popular utility-first CSS framework is Tachyons. Like Tailwind, Tachyons provides a large set of utility classes that you can use to style your elements. The main difference between the two is that Tachyons focuses on providing a smaller set of highly specific utility classes, while Tailwind provides a larger set of more generic classes.
Css preprocessor
A CSS preprocessor is a tool that extends the CSS language by adding additional features and capabilities. CSS preprocessors are written in a different language and then compiled into regular CSS, which can be used by web browsers to style your pages.
The main advantage of using a CSS preprocessor is that it allows you to use advanced features that are not available in regular CSS. For example, CSS preprocessors often provide support for variables, nested rules, and mixins, which can make it easier to write and maintain large stylesheets.
Sass is a popular CSS preprocessor. It provides a set of additional features that you can use to make your stylesheets more powerful and maintainable. For example, you can use Sass to define variables for common values such as colors and font sizes, and then use these variables throughout your stylesheets. This makes it easier to update your styles and keep them consistent.
Here is a simple example of using Sass to define a variable and nest rules:
$primary-color: #333;
.button {
color: $primary-color;
&:hover {
color: darken($primary-color, 10%);
In this example, we use the $primary-color
variable to store the value of our primary color. We then use this variable to set the color of the .button
class, and nest a :hover
rule inside the .button
rule to change the color when the user hovers over the button.
Another popular CSS preprocessor is Less. Like Sass, Less provides additional features such as variables and mixins that you can use to make your stylesheets more powerful and maintainable. The main difference between the two is that Less uses a different syntax and has a slightly different set of features.
CSS-in-JS is a technique where you write your CSS styles directly inside your JavaScript code. This allows you to use the full power of JavaScript to generate and manipulate your styles, and it also makes it easy to share styles across different components.
The main advantage of using CSS-in-JS is that it allows you to use the full power of JavaScript to generate and manipulate your styles. This means that you can use JavaScript functions and logic to create dynamic styles that change based on your application’s state.
For example, you could use a JavaScript function to calculate the width of an element based on its content, and then use that value to set the element’s width style. This would allow you to create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and content, without having to use media queries or other CSS techniques.
Another advantage of CSS-in-JS is that it makes it easy to share styles across different components. Since your styles are written in JavaScript, you can use JavaScript import and export statements to share them between different parts of your code. This makes it easier to maintain and update your styles, as you only have to make changes in one place.
Emotion is a popular CSS-in-JS library. It provides tools that allow you to write your styles in JavaScript, and then automatically generate the corresponding CSS rules. Here is a simple example of using Emotion to style a React component:
import React from "react";
import { css } from "emotion";
const buttonStyles = css`
color: white;
background-color: blue;
padding: 4px 8px;
border-radius: 4px;
&:hover {
background-color: darken(blue, 10%);
const Button = ({ children }) => (
<button className={buttonStyles}>{children}</button>
In this example, we use the css function provided by Emotion to define a set of styles for our Button component. We then apply these styles to the className attribute of the button element, using the buttonStyles variable that we defined earlier.
This approach allows us to write our styles in JavaScript, using a syntax that is similar to regular CSS. Emotion will then automatically generate the corresponding CSS rules and apply them to our elements.
To use this component in our application, we would simply import it and use it like any other React component:
import Button from "./Button";
function App() {
return <Button>Click me!</Button>;
Which one to choose
When choosing between a utility-first CSS framework, a CSS preprocessor, and CSS-in-JS, there are several factors that you should consider. These include your existing skill level, the level of adoption and support in the community, the size of your team, and your future plans for the project.
Existing skill level: If you are new to web development, a utility-first CSS framework may be the easiest to learn and use, as it is based on familiar CSS concepts. A CSS preprocessor and CSS-in-JS require a strong understanding of CSS and JavaScript, respectively, and may be more challenging for beginners.
Community adoption and support: All three options have strong communities and support, but CSS preprocessors and CSS-in-JS have been around for longer and have wider adoption. This can make it easier to find resources and help when you are learning and using these technologies.
Team size: If you are working on a large team, a CSS preprocessor or CSS-in-JS may be better suited, as they allow for better organization and collaboration on stylesheets. A utility-first CSS framework may be more suitable for smaller teams or individual developers.
Future perspectives: If you are planning to use advanced features such as animations or responsive design, a CSS preprocessor or CSS-in-JS may be better choices, as they offer more flexibility and power. A utility-first CSS framework is better suited for simple and straightforward designs.
The best option for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. It may be helpful to try out each option and see which one works best for your project.
Choosing between a utility-first CSS framework, a CSS preprocessor, and CSS-in-JS can be a difficult decision. Each option has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice for your project will depend on your specific needs and preferences.
If you are new to web development, a utility-first CSS framework may be the easiest to learn and use, as it is based on familiar CSS concepts. If you are working on a large team, a CSS preprocessor or CSS-in-JS may be better suited, as they allow for better organization and collaboration on stylesheets. And if you are planning to use advanced features such as animations or responsive design, a CSS preprocessor or CSS-in-JS may be the better choice, as they offer more flexibility and power.
The best way to choose between these three options is to try them out and see which one works best for your project. No matter which option you choose, you will be able to create beautiful and effective styles for your web pages.
Further reading
Here are some links that you may find useful for further reading on utility-first CSS frameworks, CSS preprocessors, and CSS-in-JS:
- Tailwind: https://tailwindcss.com/
- Sass: https://sass-lang.com/
- Less: http://lesscss.org/
- Emotion: https://emotion.sh/
- “Introduction to Utility-First CSS”: https://css-tricks.com/introduction-utility-first-css/
- “Getting Started with Sass”: https://sass-lang.com/guide
- “Less vs Sass: A Preprocessor Showdown”: https://www.sitepoint.com/less-vs-sass-preprocessor-showdown/
- “The Power of CSS-in-JS”: https://css-tricks.com/the-power-of-css-in-js/
Tom Hastjarjanto has been using React.js since 2015. Connect with him at Twitter or LinkedIn.